Notice: 01/SI/2016
Project code: 18446
Main objective: Strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs
Intervention region: North
Beneficiary entity: Rocha e Rafael Interiores, S.A.
Approval date: 2017-05-24
Start date: 2016-05-01
Completion date: 2018-04-30
Total eligible cost: €2,067,658
FEDER Reimbursable: €1,033,829
Objectives and results:
The strategic objectives are to reinforce its position in foreign markets where it already has a presence, through the conquest of new market niches, all at the expense of expanding the base of its products, starting to produce furniture with more curved components, of greater complexity at the same time. level of Design, and with a high-gloss lacquered finish, and the use of upholstery in furniture and penetrate new foreign markets.
The results to be achieved within the scope of the project are the following:
a) Indicator I1 - Gross Value Added - GVA (post-project values): 2,491,728.25 Euros;
b) Indicator I2 - Creation of Qualified Jobs - CEQ (post-project values): 12 Jobs;
c) Indicator I3 - Turnover - VN (post-project values): 6,198,758.00 Euros.