Antarte offers free tickets to 80 children for Fernando Daniel's concert
Antarte's donation allowed free tickets to 80 children in need for Fernando Daniel's concert, promoted by PROMOV
Antarte has always been attentive and committed to supporting the neediest people of the local community in Rebordosa. Children and young people are the targets of particular attention by the brand, receiving the support of various kinds in order to provide them with a better present and future.
In October 2022, PROMOV Rebordosa - Social, Cultural, Sports, and Recreational Association requested Antarte's support to organize the Concert of the famous Portuguese singer Fernando Daniel at the Rota dos Móveis Pavilion in order to raise funds for the Association.
Sensitized, especially by PROMOV's goal of organizing a Christmas dinner for the needy, Antarte immediately provided a donation that also allowed to help with free tickets to the concert of Fernando Daniel.